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Detailed jazz course

Lesson 03

1 blues in C
6:43 мин



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Лады народной музыкиFootnote: In our course we will deal only with two scales: the Ionian scale (the keynote of the key signs) and the blues one. All other structures (including the modal ones) derive from the chord function inside the main keynote. Although there are folk jazz compositions baseв on the folk scales, personally I am not greatly impressed by them. Instead I will point out that here or there the minor dominant is used and etc., implying that the scale still remains the Ionian (Aeolian) one (natural major-minor). It is much easier and you don’t have to remember unnecessary constructions as according to my survey even far not everyone from jazz musicians bothers to perceive all seven scales – it is easier to think in terms of one scale but understand what scale tones in what functions have to change. For those who are still interested in folk scales – this information is available – see the scheme.

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Footnote: In our course we will deal only with two scales: the Ionian

scale (the keynote of the key signs) and the blues one. All other structures

(including the modal ones) derive from the chord function inside the main

keynote. Although there are folk jazz compositions baseв on the folk scales,


personally I am not greatly impressed by them. Instead I will point out

that here or there the minor dominant is used and etc., implying that the

scale still remains the Ionian (Aeolian) one (natural major-minor). It is

much easier and you don’t have to remember unnecessary constructions as

according to my survey even far not everyone from jazz musicians bothers

to perceive all seven scales – it is easier to think in terms of one scale but

understand what scale tones in what functions have to change. For those

who are still interested in folk scales – this information is available – see the
